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Abreu, A. S. (2023). Esquemas de privacidade nas moedas criptográficas Monero e Zcash. Unpublished Bacharelado Thesis, Universidade de São Paulo, São Paulo, Brazil.   
Added by: Rucknium 05/04/2024, 22:07
Added by: Jack   Last edited by: Jack 20/01/2023, 04:16
af halo2 Protokollen, H. G. S., & Spitters, B. 2023. High Assurance Specification of the halo2 Protocol.   
Added by: Jack   Last edited by: Jack 29/07/2023, 03:03
Akbari, E., Zhao, W., Yang, S., & Luo, X. 2020, The Impact of Block Parameters on the Throughput and Security of Blockchains. Paper presented at Proceedings of the 2020 The 2nd International Conference on Blockchain Technology.   
Added by: endor 17/04/2022, 21:05
Akcora, C. G., Gel, Y. R., & Kantarcioglu, M. (2022). Blockchain networks: Data structures of Bitcoin, Monero, Zcash, Ethereum, Ripple, and Iota, WIREs Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery, 12(1), e1436.   
Added by: Rucknium 23/02/2022, 22:27
Alonso, K. M. (2017). Monero-privacy in the blockchain. Universitat Aut`onoma de Barcelona.   
Added by: Jack   Last edited by: Jack 03/03/2023, 16:55
Alupotha, J., & Boyen, X. 2022. Practical UC-Secure Zero-Knowledge Smart Contracts. [Cryptology ePrint Archive, Paper 2022/670].   
Added by: Rucknium   Last edited by: Rucknium 01/07/2022, 16:11
Amarasinghe, N. (2022). Systematic Modelling of Anonymity with Application to Cryptocurrencies. Unpublished PhD thesis, Queensland University of Technology.   
Added by: Jack   Last edited by: Jack 21/02/2023, 04:34
Amrollahi, A., & Mofrad, M. A. 2023, Towards unraveling power dynamics in Information Systems research: A systematic literature review through the lens of activity theory. Paper presented at ACIS 2023.   
Added by: Rucknium 05/04/2024, 21:26
Aranha, D. F., Hall-Anderson, M., Nitulescu, A., Pagnin, E., & Yakoubov, S. 2021. Count me in!  Extendability for Threshold Ring Signatures. [Cryptology ePrint Archive, Report 2021/1240]   
Added by: Plowsof   Last edited by: Plowsof 09/03/2022, 17:28
Arnosti, N., & Weinberg, M. S. 2018, Bitcoin: A Natural Oligopoly. Paper presented at 10th Innovations in Theoretical Computer Science Conference (ITCS 2019).   
Added by: endor   Last edited by: endor 19/04/2022, 23:11
Aslam, S., Tošić, A., & Mrissa, M. (2021). Secure and Privacy-Aware Blockchain Design: Requirements, Challenges and Solutions, Journal of Cybersecurity and Privacy, 1(1), 164–194.   
Added by: Rucknium 23/02/2022, 15:58
Aumayr, L., Thyagarajan, S. A., Malavolta, G., Monero-Sánchez, P., & Maffei, M. 2021. Sleepy Channels: Bitcoin-Compatible Bi-directional Payment Channels without Watchtowers. [Cryptology ePrint Archive, Report 2021/1445].   
Added by: Rucknium   Last edited by: Rucknium 20/04/2022, 15:56
Avarikioti, Z., Pietrzak, K., Salem, I., Schmid, S., Tiwari, S., & Yeo, M. 2022, May 2–6, Hide & Seek: Privacy-Preserving Rebalancing on Payment Channel Networks. Unpublished paper presented at Financial Cryptography and Data Security 2022.   
Added by: Rucknium 05/05/2022, 20:31
Azad, B. A. 2018. Evaluating the Effectiveness of JavaScript Crypto Miner Blocker Browser Extensions. StonyBrook University.   
Added by: Jack   Last edited by: Jack 20/01/2023, 17:59
Aziz, A. B. A., Ngah, S. B., Dun, Y. T., & Bee, T. F. (2020). Coinhive’s Monero Drive-by Crypto-jacking, IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 769(1), 12065.   
Added by: Jack   Last edited by: Jack 18/01/2023, 00:05
Badertscher, C., Sedaghat, M., & Waldner, H. 2023. Fine-Grained Accountable Privacy via Unlinkable Policy-Compliant Signatures. [Cryptology ePrint Archive, Paper 2023/1070].   
Added by: Rucknium   Last edited by: Rucknium 05/01/2024, 22:08
Barj, S., Ouaddah, A., & Mezrioui, A. 2023, A Review of Privacy-Preserving Cryptographic Techniques Used in Blockchain Platforms. Paper presented at Digital Technologies and Applications.   
Added by: Rucknium 06/01/2024, 17:36
Bassa, A. (2024). Soundness Proof for Eagen’s Proof of Sums of Points. Unpublished manuscript.   
Added by: Rucknium 09/08/2024, 18:02
Bhambhwani, S., Delikouras, S., Korniotis, G. M., & others. 2019. [i]Do fundamentals drive cryptocurrency prices?   
Added by: Jack   Last edited by: Jack 20/01/2023, 18:00
Biryukov, A., Naumenko, G., & Tikhomirov, S. 2022, May 2–6, Analysis and Probing of Parallel Channels in the Lightning Network. Unpublished paper presented at Financial Cryptography and Data Security 2022.   
Added by: Rucknium   Last edited by: Rucknium 05/05/2022, 20:31
Biryukov, A., & Tikhomirov, S. (2019). Security and privacy of mobile wallet users in Bitcoin, Dash, Monero, and Zcash, Pervasive and Mobile Computing, 59, 101030.   
Added by: Jack   Last edited by: Jack 08/01/2023, 03:27
Block, A. R., Garreta, A., Katz, J., Thaler, J., Tiwari, P. R., & Zajac, M. (2023). Fiat-Shamir Security of FRI and Related SNARKs, Cryptology ePrint Archive.   
Added by: Jack   Last edited by: Jack 29/07/2023, 03:05
Bobolz, J., Diaz, J., & Kohlweiss, M. 2024. Foundations of Anonymous Signatures: Formal Definitions, Simplified Requirements, and a Construction Based on General Assumptions. [Cryptology ePrint Archive, Paper 2024/042].   
Added by: Rucknium   Last edited by: Rucknium 05/04/2024, 21:33
Bojja Venkatakrishnan, S., Fanti, G., & Viswanath, P. (2017). Dandelion: Redesigning the Bitcoin Network for Anonymity, Proc. ACM Meas. Anal. Comput. Syst. 1(1).   
Added by: Rucknium 01/08/2024, 16:22
Bonneau, J. 2019, Hostile Blockchain Takeovers (Short Paper). Paper presented at Financial Cryptography and Data Security.   
Added by: endor   Last edited by: endor 17/04/2022, 22:47
Borggren, N., Kim, H.-Y., Yao, L., & Koplik, G. (2020). Simulated Blockchains for Machine Learning Traceability and Transaction Values in the Monero Network, arXiv preprint arXiv:2001.03937.   
Added by: Jack   Last edited by: Jack 01/04/2022, 18:46
Borggren, N., & Yao, L. (2020). Correlations of multi-input Monero transactions, arXiv preprint arXiv:2001.04827.   
Added by: Jack   Last edited by: Rucknium 20/04/2022, 15:36
Broniatowski, M. (2021). Minimum Divergence Estimators, Maximum Likelihood and the Generalized Bootstrap, Entropy, 23(2), 185.   
Added by: Rucknium   Last edited by: Rucknium 12/03/2022, 04:40
Buccafurri, F., De Angelis, V., & Lazzaro, S. 2023, May 25–26, A Traffic-Analysis Proof Solution to Allow K-Anonymous Payments in Pseudonymous Blockchains. Unpublished paper presented at 5th Distributed Ledger Technology Workshop.   
Added by: Rucknium 05/01/2024, 20:51
Budish, E. (2022). The Economic Limits of Bitcoin and Anonymous, Decentralized Trust on the Blockchain. Unpublished manuscript.   
Added by: Rucknium 01/07/2022, 16:19
Bunz, B., Bootle, J., Boneh, D., Poelstra, A., Wuille, P., & Maxwell, G. 2018, Bulletproofs: Short proofs for confidential transactions and more. Paper presented at 2018 IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy (SP).   
Added by: Jack   Last edited by: Jack 29/03/2023, 18:22
Butler, S. 2021, Cyber 9/11 Will Not Take Place: A User Perspective of Bitcoin and Cryptocurrencies from Underground and Dark Net Forums. Paper presented at Socio-Technical Aspects in Security and Trust.   
Added by: Rucknium 12/10/2022, 16:26
Campanelli, M., Hall-Andersen, M., & Kamp, S. H. 2022. Curve Trees: Practical and Transparent Zero-Knowledge Accumulators. [Cryptology ePrint Archive, Paper 2022/756].   
Added by: Rucknium   Last edited by: Rucknium 09/08/2024, 17:59
Cao, T., Yu, J., Decouchant, J., Luo, X., & Verissimo, P. 2020, Exploring the Monero Peer-to-Peer Network. Paper presented at Financial Cryptography and Data Security.   
Added by: Rucknium 13/12/2022, 18:56
Carlsten, M., Kalodner, H., Weinberg, S., & Narayanan, A. 2016, On the Instability of Bitcoin Without the Block Reward.   
Added by: endor 17/04/2022, 23:28
Chator, A., & Green, M. 2018, How to squeeze a crowd: reducing bandwidth in mixing cryptocurrencies. Paper presented at 2018 IEEE European Symposium on Security and Privacy Workshops.   
Added by: Jack   Last edited by: Jack 20/01/2023, 18:05
Chaum, D., & Heyst, E. V. 1991, Group signatures. Paper presented at Workshop on the Theory and Application of of Cryptographic Techniques.   
Added by: Jack   Last edited by: Jack 08/08/2022, 02:40
Chen, J., Cheng, Y., Xu, Z., & Cao, Y. 2021, Evolutionary Equilibrium Analysis for Decision on Block Size in Blockchain Systems. Paper presented at Combinatorial Optimization and Applications.   
Added by: endor 17/04/2022, 22:41
Chepurnoy, A., Kharin, V., & Meshkov, D. 2019, A Systematic Approach to Cryptocurrency Fees. Paper presented at Financial Cryptography and Data Security.   
Added by: endor 17/04/2022, 22:41
Chow, S. S., Egger, C., Lai, R. W. F., Ronge, V., & Woo, I. K. Y. (2023). On sustainable ring-based anonymous systems, Cryptology ePrint Archive.   
Added by: Jack   Last edited by: Jack 06/06/2023, 21:13
Christensen, S. 2018. A Comparative Study of Privacy-Preserving Cryptocurrencies: Monero and ZCash. University of Birmingham.   
Added by: Jack   Last edited by: Jack 20/01/2023, 17:36
Chung, H., Han, K., Ju, C., Kim, M., & Seo, J. H. (2022). Bulletproofs+: Shorter Proofs for a Privacy-Enhanced Distributed Ledger, IEEE Access, 10, 42067–42082.   
Added by: Jack   Last edited by: Jack 29/03/2023, 18:12
Corradini, F., Mostarda, L., & Scala, E. 2022, ZeroMT: Multi-transfer Protocol for Enabling Privacy in Off-Chain Payments. Paper presented at Advanced Information Networking and Applications.   
Added by: Rucknium 05/05/2022, 21:43
Cremers, C., Loss, J., & Wagner, B. 2023. A Holistic Security Analysis of Monero Transactions. [Cryptology ePrint Archive, Paper 2023/321].   
Added by: Jack   Last edited by: Jack 08/03/2023, 18:11
Deng, C., You, L., Tang, X., Hu, G., & Gao, S. (2022). Cuproof: Range proof with constant size, Entropy, 24(3), 334.   
Added by: Jack   Last edited by: Jack 28/03/2023, 21:58
Deuber, D., Ronge, V., & Rueckert, C. (2022). SoK: Assumptions Underlying Cryptocurrency Deanonymizations, Proceedings on Privacy Enhancing Technologies, 2022(3).   
Added by: Rucknium   Last edited by: Rucknium 05/07/2022, 17:01
Dijk, A., & Schröder, D. (2023). Proof of concept for a Ethereum Virtual Machine on Cryptonote. Unpublished manuscript.   
Added by: Rucknium 05/01/2024, 20:32
Duan, J., Zheng, S., Wang, W., Wang, L., Hu, X., & Gu, L. (2024). Concise RingCT Protocol Based on Linkable Threshold Ring Signature, IEEE Transactions on Dependable and Secure Computing, (1), 1–15.   
Added by: Jack   Last edited by: Jack 27/02/2024, 13:42
Dutta, A., Bagad, S., & Vijayakumaran, S. (2021). MProve+: Privacy Enhancing Proof of Reserves Protocol for Monero, IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security, 16, 3900–3915.   
Added by: Rucknium   Last edited by: Rucknium 24/02/2022, 19:18
Eagen, L. Li. E. 2022. Bulletproofs++. [Cryptology ePrint Archive, Report 2022/510].   
Added by: Plowsof   Last edited by: Rucknium 05/04/2024, 22:13
Egger, C., Lai, R. W. F., Ronge, V., Woo, I. K. Y., & Yin, H. H. F. (2022). On Defeating Graph Analysis of Anonymous Transactions, Proceedings on Privacy Enhancing Technologies, 2022(3).   
Added by: Rucknium   Last edited by: Rucknium 05/07/2022, 17:03
Erg"un, Z. C., & KARABIYIK, B. K. Forecasting Monero Prices with a Machine Learning Algorithm, Eski{\c{s}}ehir Osmangazi {\"U}niversitesi {\.I}ktisadi ve {\.I}dari Bilimler Dergisi, 16(3), 651–663.   
Added by: Jack   Last edited by: Jack 20/01/2023, 17:38
Esgin, M. F., Steinfeld, R., & Zhao, R. K. 2022, MatRiCT+: More efficient post-quantum private blockchain payments. Paper presented at 2022 IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy (SP).   
Added by: Jack   Last edited by: Jack 28/03/2023, 20:46
Estensen, H. A. 2018. A Comparison of Monero and Zcash.   
Added by: Jack   Last edited by: Jack 20/01/2023, 17:40
Fan, X. 2018, Faster dual-key stealth address for blockchain-based internet of things systems. Paper presented at Blockchain--ICBC 2018: First International Conference, Held as Part of the Services Conference Federation, SCF 2018, Seattle, WA, USA, June 25-30, 2018, Proceedings 1.   
Added by: Jack   Last edited by: Jack 06/06/2023, 21:02
Fantazzini, D., & Kolodin, N. (2020). Does the Hashrate Affect the Bitcoin Price? Journal of Risk and Financial Management, [i]13(11).   
Added by: endor 17/04/2022, 21:15
Fanti, G., Venkatakrishnan, S. B., Bakshi, S., Denby, B., Bhargava, S., & Miller, A., et al. (2018). Dandelion++: Lightweight Cryptocurrency Networking with Formal Anonymity Guarantees, Proc. ACM Meas. Anal. Comput. Syst. 2(2).   
Added by: Rucknium 22/10/2022, 20:53
Fanti, G., & Viswanath, P. 2017. Anonymity Properties of the Bitcoin P2P Network.   
Added by: Rucknium   Last edited by: Rucknium 01/08/2024, 16:27
Feickert, A. 2024. Bulletproofs++ review. Cypher Stack. [Peer review]   
Added by: Rucknium 05/04/2024, 22:08
Feickert, A. (2024). FCMP++ review. Unpublished manuscript.   
Added by: Rucknium 09/08/2024, 17:54
Feickert, A. (2024). Generalized Bulletproofs. Unpublished manuscript.   
Added by: Rucknium   Last edited by: Rucknium 09/08/2024, 17:41
Feickert, A. (2024). Salvium review. Unpublished manuscript.   
Added by: opal   Last edited by: opal 20/08/2024, 14:33
Feickert, A. (2024). Veridise divisor report review. Unpublished manuscript.   
Added by: Rucknium 09/08/2024, 18:07
Feickert, A., & Isthmus. (2024). Monero output lock analysis. Unpublished manuscript.   
Added by: Rucknium 04/09/2024, 16:56
Fischer Amrit Kumar, C., Tople, S., & Saxena, P. 2017, September, A Traceability Analysis of Monero’s Blockchain. Paper presented at European Symposium on Research in Computer Security (ESORICS).   
Added by: Rucknium   Last edited by: Rucknium 23/02/2022, 16:23
Fomenko, O., & Sokolov, M. (2024). Bulletproofs++. Construction and Examples. Unpublished manuscript.   
Added by: Rucknium 09/08/2024, 17:33
Franzoni, F., & Daza, V. (2022). Clover: An anonymous transaction relay protocol for the bitcoin P2P network, Peer-to-Peer Networking and Applications, 15(1), 290–303.   
Added by: Rucknium 10/07/2024, 16:09
Franzoni, F., & Daza, V. (2022). SoK: Network-Level Attacks on the Bitcoin P2P Network, IEEE Access, 10, 94924–94962.   
Added by: Rucknium 09/08/2024, 19:50
Franzoni, F., Salleras, X., & Daza, V. (2022). AToM: Active topology monitoring for the bitcoin peer-to-peer network, Peer-to-Peer Networking and Applications, 15(1), 408–425.   
Added by: Rucknium 09/08/2024, 18:32
Gailly, N., Maller, M., & Nitulescu, A. 2022, May 2–6, SnarkPack: Practical SNARK Aggregation. Unpublished paper presented at Financial Cryptography and Data Security 2022.   
Added by: Rucknium 05/05/2022, 21:04
Garay, J., Kiayias, A., & Leonardos, N. 2015, The Bitcoin Backbone Protocol: Analysis and Applications. Paper presented at Advances in Cryptology - EUROCRYPT 2015.   
Added by: endor 17/04/2022, 21:02
Gervais, A., Karame, G. O., W"ust, K., Glykantzis, V., Ritzdorf, H., & Capkun, S. 2016, On the Security and Performance of Proof of Work Blockchains. Paper presented at Proceedings of the 2016 ACM SIGSAC Conference on Computer and Communications Security.   
Added by: endor   Last edited by: endor 17/04/2022, 19:53
Ghesmati, S., Fdhila, W., & Weippl, E. 2022. User-Perceived Privacy in Blockchain. [Cryptology ePrint Archive, Report 2022/287].   
Added by: endor 17/04/2022, 20:59
Gibson, A. From Zero (Knowledge) to Bulletproofs.   
Added by: Jack   Last edited by: Jack 03/03/2023, 16:18
Gligoroski, D. (2023). A Transformation for Lifting Discrete Logarithm Based Cryptography to Post-Quantum Cryptography, Cryptology ePrint Archive.   
Added by: Jack   Last edited by: Jack 06/03/2023, 22:32
Gomzin, S. (2022). How Monero Works. In Crypto Basics: A Nontechnical Introduction to Creating Your Own Money for Investors and Inventors (pp. 119–137). Berkeley, CA: Apress.   
Added by: Rucknium 22/10/2022, 16:48
Gong, T., Minaei, M., Sun, W., & Kate, A. 2022, May 2–6, Towards Overcoming the Undercutting Problem. Unpublished paper presented at Financial Cryptography and Data Security 2022.   
Added by: Rucknium 05/05/2022, 21:01
Goodell, B. (2024). History and state of Monero security analysis. Unpublished manuscript.   
Added by: opal 20/08/2024, 14:44
Goodell, B., & Noether, S. (2018). Thring Signatures and their Applications to Spender-Ambiguous Digital Currencies. Unpublished manuscript.   
Added by: Rucknium 22/02/2022, 17:51
Goodell, B., Noether, S., & Blue, A. (2019). Concise Linkable Ring Signatures and Forgery Against Adversarial Keys, Cryptology ePrint Archive, Paper 2019/654.   
Added by: Jack   Last edited by: Jack 20/01/2023, 17:53
Goorha, P. Principles of Natural Resource Economics for Bitcoin, The Journal of The British Blockchain Association, 4(August).   
Added by: endor   Last edited by: endor 14/04/2022, 20:14
Grunspan, C., & Perez-Marco, R. 2017. Satoshi Risk Tables.   
Added by: Rucknium   Last edited by: Rucknium 13/09/2024, 13:39
Grunspan, C., & Perez-Marco, R. (2018). Double spend races, Int. J. Theor. Appl. Finance, 21(8), 1850053.   
Added by: Rucknium   Last edited by: Rucknium 23/08/2023, 16:52
Grunspan, C., & Perez-Marco, R. (2022). On Profitability of Nakamoto Double Spend, Probability in the Engineering and Informational Sciences, 36(3), 732–746.   
Added by: Rucknium   Last edited by: Rucknium 14/09/2024, 14:08
Grunspan, C., & Perez-Marco, R. 2022. Ping-Pong Swaps. arXiv.   
Added by: Rucknium 02/12/2022, 16:36
Gugger, J. 2020. Bitcoin-Monero Cross-chain Atomic Swap. [Cryptology ePrint Archive, Paper 2020/1126].   
Added by: Jack   Last edited by: Jack 20/01/2023, 18:09
Guo, Z., Shi, L., Xu, M., & Yin, H. (2021). MRCC: A Practical Covert Channel Over Monero With Provable Security, IEEE Access, 9, 31816–31825.   
Added by: Rucknium   Last edited by: Rucknium 06/08/2022, 21:24
Hammad, N., & Victor, F. 2024. Monero Traceability Heuristics: Wallet Application Bugs and the Mordinal-P2Pool Perspective.   
Added by: opal 25/09/2024, 21:35
Herrera Sufán, R. (2021). Speeding up Monero’s balance computation. Unpublished M.S. Thesis, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile.   
Added by: Rucknium 24/02/2022, 22:40
Hinteregger, A., & Haslhofer, B. 2019, Short Paper: An Empirical Analysis of Monero Cross-chain Traceability. Paper presented at Financial Cryptography and Data Security.   
Added by: Rucknium 10/09/2022, 20:11
Hoenisch, P., Mazumdar, S., Moreno-Sánchez, P., & Ruj, S. 2022. LightSwap: An Atomic Swap Does Not Require Timeouts At Both Blockchains. [Cryptology ePrint Archive, Paper 2022/1650].   
Added by: Rucknium   Last edited by: Rucknium 13/12/2022, 19:02
Hoenisch, P., & Pino, L. S. D. (2021). Atomic Swaps between Bitcoin and Monero, CoRR, abs/2101.12332.   
Added by: Rucknium   Last edited by: Rucknium 24/02/2022, 18:54
Hou, C., Zhou, M., Ji, Y., Daian, P., Tram`er, F., & Fanti, G., et al. 2021, SquirRL: Automating Attack Analysis on Blockchain Incentive Mechanisms with Deep Reinforcement Learning. Paper presented at Proceedings 2021 Network and Distributed System Security Symposium.   
Added by: Rucknium 22/10/2022, 20:50
Huang, K., Mu, Y., Rezaeibagha, F., Zhang, X., & Li, X. (2023). Monero with Multi-Grained Redaction, IEEE Transactions on Dependable and Secure Computing, 1–13.   
Added by: Rucknium 05/01/2024, 19:16
Huberman, G., Leshno, J. D., & Moallemi, C. (2021). Monopoly without a Monopolist: An Economic Analysis of the Bitcoin Payment System, The Review of Economic Studies, 88(6), 3011–3040.   
Added by: endor   Last edited by: endor 19/04/2022, 23:07
Järvinen, S. (2022). Tax evasion with untraceable cryptocurrencies in OECD countries as a target of regulation. Unpublished masters thesis, Aalto University. School of Business.   
Added by: Rucknium 22/10/2022, 17:17
Jiang, Y., & Zhang, J. (2024). Profitability Analysis of Time-Restricted Double-Spending Attack on PoW-Based Large Scale Blockchain With the Aid of Multiple Types of Attacks, IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security, 19, 8155–8171.   
Added by: Jack   Last edited by: Jack 19/09/2024, 22:59
Jiang, P., Zhu, J., & Zhu, L. (2024). Balancing Privacy and Regulation of Cross-chain Transaction Systems via SoK-assisted Policy Enhancement, IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security, 1–1.   
Added by: Rucknium   Last edited by: Rucknium 23/05/2024, 18:01
Jin, R. (2023). The Advance of Ring Confidential Transactions, Highlights in Science, Engineering and Technology, 39, 1104–1110.   
Added by: Rucknium   Last edited by: Rucknium 05/01/2024, 19:46
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WIKINDX 6.10.2 | Total resources: 233 | Username: -- | Bibliography: WIKINDX Master Bibliography | Style: APA Enhanced